Thursday, August 29, 2013

10 Reasons Why You Need Fish Oil

Those who train with me know that I'm a big advocate of supplementing polyunsaturated fats, particularly
Omega-3 fats derived from fish oil. Nowadays, especially in cities, everyone is exposed to harmful forms of stress, whether it's mental, chemical or physical. Common forms of inflammatory processes in our bodies are both the contributor and the outcome. Poor nutritional choices do not help either. Here are the 10 reasons fish oils can maximize your training progress and overall well-being:

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Eat Guts, Or Why You'd Have No Chance Against Zombies

Leaving a butcher's shop one day with a hefty bag of goodies barely 25 bucks worth, I was thinking of all the perks living in Canada without actually being raised here. Seems like no one here is cooking any organ meats - liver, kidneys, geezers etc. But after a short boost of personal satisfaction, I started